Useful application for students, government employees, army men and all kind of people, who need to make handwritten documents. Generate handwritten text is very easy with Sinyak.
To make your handwitten document all you need is digital version (downloaded from Internet or made by FineReader for example) and color printer with the blue(or any other color that you use for pen).
Sinyak Software also help you quickle import your own script to itself. For this you need to fill Sinyak Template. It takes about 15 minutes to make your own Script.
For default Sinyak now supports: Russion, Ukranian, Belorussian and English Languages. All UI is translated into Russian and English and you can change locale in runtime. Sinyak supports Unicode.
Now released first international version 1.94 (09.05.2020). Please check it! Donate is Available.
The newest version released 1.955. (09.12.2020).
Tutorial on YouTube:
Rendered paper with background:
New features:
- English localization.
- Support of ukranian and belorussian languages
- Quality of Bezier render
- Simplify adding new charset through Edit Font
- Fix of other bugs. Stability increased
- Background Images for rendering
- New effects like constants scale and constant rotate
- Ability to format text
All available for download versions:
- Version 1.955: Скачать Sinyak1955.exe (112335 загрузок)
- Version 1.952: Скачать Sinyak1952.exe (102 загрузки)
- Version 1.95: Скачать Sinyak195.exe (91450 загрузок)
- Version 1.945: Скачать Sinyak1945.exe (82661 загрузка)
- Version 1.94: Скачать Sinyak194.exe (89 загрузок)
- Version 1.931: Скачать Sinyak1931.exe (77026 загрузок)
- Version 1.912: Скачать (74134 загрузки)
- Version 1.85: Скачать (53114 загрузок) (16.09.2017)
- Version 1.81: Скачать (52776 загрузок) (22.07.2017)
- Version 1.8: Скачать (52683 загрузки) (06.07.2017)
- Version 1.7: Скачать (52654 загрузки)
- Version 1.6: Скачать (3564 загрузки)
- Version 1.4: Скачать (17761 загрузка)
Application screenshot:
Example of generated handwirtten text:
Author — Dmitriy Sorokin